There is no better time than the New Year to break your terrible beauty habits; a new Year, a new set of beauty habits!
However, 2022 is not just about tossing out old mascaras and promising to visit the hairdresser more often; it is also about making positive changes that overhaul your whole skincare routine.
Here are four important beauty resolutions you must make in 2022
1. Wear sunscreen daily
It is critical to remember to apply sunscreen every day of 2022… and beyond. Otherwise, you could be putting your skin at risk.
Sun damage and skin cancer are caused by ultraviolet radiation, which are always present. Wearing sunscreen every day can help you avoid years of sun damage, delaying the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Although the melanin in your skin protects you from sunburns if you have a darker complexion, you must still protect your skin from damaging ultraviolet radiation.
People with fair skin are more likely to get skin cancer as a result of sun exposure, but those with darker complexion are more likely to develop more dangerous types of skin cancer. As a result, everyone, regardless of skin tone, should use sunscreen every day.
2. Throw out expired products
Do you have dirty make-up brushes, empty bottles, and expired foundations in your beauty drawer? Make a resolution to clear it all up in the new year, and make it a regular habit.
A dirty beauty drawer can be a subtle source of stress. Our surroundings, according to Psychology Today, can have a big impact on our mood and behaviour. In brief, clutter might have negative consequences such as increased anxiety or difficulty concentrating.
Additionally, dirty make-up and skincare items may harbour harmful microorganisms. If you do not dispose of expired products and empty bottles and clean up your make-up tools, the germs might linger and contaminate other products – and eventually, your skin.
3. Wash make-up brushes regularly
Cleaning make-up brushes and beauty blenders can be tedious. But just like going to the gym, you will be glad you did it!
There is nothing as satisfying as when you sit down with your sparkling clean set of brushes the next day to do your make-up. And just like working out, cleaning your make-up brushes pays off in the long run.
Dirty brushes can be disastrous on your skin. When your make-up brush touches your skin, it comes off with oil, dust, dead skin cells, and bacteria – and the next time you use the same dirty brush on your face, new breakouts and blemishes appear on your otherwise flawless skin.
4. Try something new
How adventurous are you when it comes to your skincare and beauty routines? While having tried and trusted products and routines is admirable, make a resolution to have fun with your beauty care in 2022. Instead of being stuck in a beauty rut, be bold and daring.
Every now and then, go out of your way to try something new, even if it is not necessarily ‘you’. How about a new shade of lipstick? Some new nail art? A hair colour that you have never tried before? You won’t know how something looks on you if you do not try.